The Internet of Bio-Nano Things in Blood Vessels: System Design and Prototypes

Changmin Lee, Bon-Hong Koo, Chan-Byoung Chae, and Robert Schober


Abstract : In this paper, we investigate the Internet of bio- nano things (IoBNT) which pertains to networks formed by molecular communications. By providing a means of communica- tion through the ubiquitously connected blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries), molecular communication-based IoBNT enables a host of new eHealth applications. For example, an organ monitoring sensor can transfer internal body signals through the IoBNT to health-monitoring applications. We empirically show that blood vessel channels introduce a new set of challenges in the design of molecular communication systems in comparison to free-space channels. Then, we propose cylindrical duct channel models and discuss the corresponding system designs conforming to the channel characteristics. Furthermore, based on prototype implementations, we confirm that molecular communication techniques can be utilized for composing the IoBNT. We believe that the promising results presented in this work, together with the rich research challenges that lie ahead, are strong indicators that IoBNT with molecular communications can drive novel applications for emerging eHealth systems​

Index terms : Blood vessel, health monitoring, Internet of bio- nano things (IoBNT), molecular communications, prototypes.